Atlas Obligbancaires : Growing short term investments.

Backed with a less than one-year securities repayable, issued by banks or guaranteed by the Moroccan government, this UCIT on CIH Bank’s custody, belongs to a product range for clients looking for a return as close as the benchmark’s profitability with a daily liquidity.

Sensitivity: [0,5 ; 1,1[

Daily liquidity

Cash optimization

Custodian bank: CIH Bank

Exclusively invested on securities issued by banks or backed by the Moroccan government.

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Stock Market Brokerage

Kaoutar SBIYAA

Senior Banker

Performance and data 03/01/2025

Performance and data 03/01/2025

Net Asset (MAD)
874 311 198,32 MAD
Net asset value (MAD)
Atlas Obligbank
Benchmark index