Club deal: an innovative financial product to boost profitability

IRR references

Realized investor IRR

Discounted investor IRR

Realized investor IRR

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Real Estate Investments

Club Deal: investment opportunities identified and managed by professionals.

Atlas Capital has experienced and multidisciplinary teams that identify and structure investment opportunities with durations ranging from 2.5 to 5 years.

Atlas Capital offers innovative investment opportunities in the “Club deal” format to its private clients and Family Offices, with investment tickets per client ranging from 10 to 50 million dirhams for a total equity investment between 100 and 300 million dirhams.

These opportunities are sourced by the strategic development teams as well as by Atlas Capital Partners and are presented to investors only after conducting in-depth market, financial, and technical studies, led by our in-house experts in collaboration with specialized partners.

Club Deals generate much higher returns (IRR) than traditional investment products. They take the form of pooled investment projects in which Atlas Capital invests alongside its clients to better align the interests of all parties involved.

Methodological approach

Opportunity identification

Conducting necessary preliminary studies (market, financial, and technical)

Defining the optimal product and strategy

Business plan development

Securing equity and bank debt

Operational project management

Club Deal: investment opportunities identified and managed by professionals.